To Contact our Research Team
Call 204.787.4701 or 204.787.1643
What is the IBD Clinical and Research Centre?

In 1994, Dr. Charles N. Bernstein established the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Clinical and Research Centre, a Manitoba-based network of clinicians, researchers, and trainees working collaboratively to improve health outcomes for persons living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The centre, which has received international attention and recognition for its research, has established among the largest IBD population databases in North America.
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the clinicians, scientists, analysts, administration, and trainees that comprise our team
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Are you stressed? Experiencing anxiety? Or low mood?
The researchers at IMAGINE are evaluating the impact of a 12-week Internet-based program that teaches skills related to managing stress in dealing with IBD symptoms. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to receive the intervention immediately or 24 weeks after enrollment.
To learn more about the study, please contact:
Research Coordinator: Gia Ly Jackson, MSc.
Email: Telephone: 204-787-4799
PACE Network Broadens to Include Focus on Mental Health and Nutrition
Dr. Charles Bernstein and Dr. Lesley Graff are finding a way to make personalized mental health, diet and nutritional care available to Canadians living with IBD. To read more about this new study, please visit
Do you experience sensitivity to dietary fibres, fruits, grains or vegetables?
Dr. Heather Armstrong is working to uncover how disruption of the healthy microbes (bacteria and fungi) living in the gut of IBD patients can cause patients to become sensitive to specific dietary fibres found in fruits, grains, and vegetables. Through this clinical research, her team hopes to develop stool and blood tests that can be used to determine which foods are safe for IBD patients to eat, and which foods they should avoid in order to reduce IBD symptoms.
To learn more about the study, please contact:
Research Coordinator: Terri Jeanson
Email: Telephone: 204-787-4701
Are you having a colonoscopy?
click here

In Memorium:
John R Walker, PhD. John joined our group in 2002, as a collaborator on our CIHR-funded research study entitled “Understanding the biological, clinical, and psychosocial determinants of health outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease: A research program.” At that time John was already a well known, highly regarded and beloved clinical psychologist in Winnipeg. He established the Anxiety Disorders Clinic at St. Boniface Hospital and co-founded the Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba. John also had extensive expertise in knowledge translation. It was his passion to understand patient information needs and optimal ways to deliver patient information. He was an invaluable member of our GI research group. While he started with the IBD research team, he branched out and became an integral member of research groups led by Harminder Singh exploring ways to optimize colonoscopy and Don Duerksen examining a longitudinal celiac disease cohort study. More recently, his expertise was invaluable in our CIHR funded collaborative study with colleagues in neurology and rheumatology exploring psychiatric comorbidity in chronic immune diseases. John’s intellect, skills, creativeness and kindness will be sorely missed.
Denis Krause, PhD. Denis joined our group in 2003, having taken a position as Associate Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Manitoba. He had left a position in Queensland Australia and moved his young family to to Winnipeg. He was an expert veterinary microbiologist with a special interest in IBD. He was awarded with millions of dollars in research grants and was regarded as one of the young starts of the University of Manitoba. He was a very important friend and collaborator of our IBD team. His untimely death at age 46 from cancer leaves behind rich memories of his loving family of wife Alice and sons David, Jonathon and Josh.